

我喜歡南茜的原因是:她在一整個竊盜集團中就像是一盞指引光明的燈, 雖然身處在如此險惡的環境中,她仍保有最重要的良知,不像組織中的其他人,為了優渥的生活不惜犧牲清白。
原始語言: -
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
In this book, my favorite is the role of Nancy. She is also a member of a group of thieves, but when fagin to Oliver to do something bad, she stood up for him.I like Nancy's reason: she in a theft in the group as a whole is like a guiding light of lamp, though in such a hostile environment, she still retains the most important consciences, not like the other people in your organization, to live high on the hog, at the expense of the innocent.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
In this book, my favorite character is Nancy. Although she is also a theft of a group, but when Oliver Fagin intends to use to do bad things, but she for him to come forward.
I like Nancy because: She is like a bright light in the guidelines for a whole group theft, although living in such a dangerous environment, she still retains most important conscience, unlike the rest of the organization people, for good life at the expense of innocence.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
In this book, my favorite character is Nancy. Although she is also a member of the group of theft, but when Fagin intends to use Oliver do bad things, but she to he stepped forward.I like Nancy the reason is: she in a whole group of theft is like a lamp light guide lamp, while living in such a treacherous environment. She still retains the most important conscience, organization is unlike other people, in order to have a good life did not hesitate to sacrifice innocent.
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