A lot of people dream about striking it rich all the time — from small businesses<br>looking for big customer pools to entrepreneurs trying to invent the next must-have tech<br>devices, and manyhave hopes of accumulating great wealth. Here are 3 legendary ways that<br>hugely successful business people made it big in the business world.<br>I. Picking Great Stocks: Warren Buffett<br>Warren Buffett is one Of the most famous business people in the world, and his career<br>in the stock market is undoubtedly legendary. Buffett's $66 billion net worth and rank as the<br>third richest person in the world are largely due to his prowess in picking stocks. The Oracle<br>of Omaha started investing professionally in the late 1950s. However, the success has not<br>gone to his head over the years, if Buffett's ordinary lifestyle is any indication. In fact, he still<br>lives in the same Omaha home that he bought for $31,500 in 1958.<br>2. Losing Your Job: Michael Bloomberg<br>People get laid off all the time. While most individuals go on to find gainful<br>employment, it's rare for getting fired to open the door to true greatness. However, that was<br>the case for Michael Bloomberg. After being fired from a Wall Street firm early in his career,<br>Bloomberg went out and launched his own financial technology company lone before the<br>Internet boom. After years of hard work, he is now the eighth richest person in U.S. with a<br>net worth Of 543.4 billion. And it all started with losing his job.