point of view, such a paradoxical effect of cannabis could be linkedto tolerance development in cannabis users as well as to thepresence of other THC-related compounds potentially interferingwith THC.[19 – 22]From our regular monitoring of online sources (e.g. websites,drug forums, e-newsletters) [23 – 27] we have recorded an increasinguse of cannabis as ‘ self-medication ’ for weight management.The use of ‘ cannabis weight loss ’ as a search term in the Google검색 engine results in over a 이민우-one sites, witnessing a widespreaddiffusion of the topic online.[28] Various studies have shown in fact,that the 인터넷 is the immediate and most popular source of informationabout illicit drugs and their use and that the monitoring ofthe 인터넷 is a reliablemethod of obtaining preliminary informationabout new and emergent substance-use related trends.