

令我感到印象最深刻的是有一幕我覺得mary是十分勇敢的,當同班同學都在欺凌其中一名男同學時,mary義無反顧以及勇敢地制止,她勇敢地當著所有人的面說出自己的意見,最後還教訓了沒有禮貌的同學,她年紀輕輕卻有如此的膽量,實在令人感到佩服。她見義勇為的性格是很多人都比不上的,在現實世界的許多人都會像其他人一樣袖手旁觀,她的勇敢是非常難能可貴的,亦是為什麼這一幕令我印象深刻的原因。而另外一幕是女主角打完同學後當著全班同學面前承認錯誤,但其後亦衷心讚賞了被欺凌的男同學作品,希望大家認同。主角表現出來的胸襟以及善良令人印象深刻。 而演員本身小小的年紀亦表現出超乎年齡的演出,表演亦令人眼前一亮。
原始語言: -
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
I am most impressed with is the one scene I think is very brave mary, when classmates are bullied during which a male classmate, mary hesitate and courage to stop, she bravely in front of everyone to speak their opinions, and finally a rude lesson the students, she is so young there is courage, I am really impressed. Her courageous character is a lot of people can not match, in the real world, like many people will stand like everyone else, her courage is very valuable, but also why this scene impressed me the reason. <br><br><br>The other scene is the heroine in front of the front of the class after the students finished admit a mistake, but then also my sincere appreciation for the work being bullied boys, I hope you agree. The protagonist good performance out of mind as well as impressive. The young actor also showed itself little beyond the age of performance, the performer also impressive.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
I am most impressed by a scene I feel mary is very brave, when classmates are bullying one of the male classmates, mary righteously and bravely stopped, she bravely in front of everyone to say their opinions, and finally learned the impolite classmates, she was so young but so bold, It's really admirable. Her character is not comparable to many people, in the real world many people will stand idly by like others, her courage is very invaluable, and why I was so impressed.<br><br>Another scene is the heroine after playing classmates in front of the whole class to admit the mistake, but then also sincerely appreciate the work of the bullied male students, I hope you agree. The protagonist's mind and kindness are impressive. And the actors themselves have shown overage performances at a young age, and the performances are striking.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
What impresses me most is that I think Mary is very brave. When her classmates are bullying one of their male classmates, Mary never goes back and bravely stops her. She bravely speaks her opinions in front of everyone. At last, she teaches the students who are not polite. She is so young but brave, which is really admirable. She sees Yiyong The character of Wei is incomparable to many people. In the real world, many people will stand by like others. Her bravery is very precious. That's why this scene impresses me.<br>In the other scene, the heroine confessed her mistake in front of the whole class after beating the students, but she also appreciated the bullied male students' works and hoped that everyone would agree with her. The heroine's mind and kindness were impressive. And the actor's own age also showed his performance beyond the age, which also made the performance bright.<br>
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