

鬼靈引導他看見自己死後所發生的一切,貧困的人們撿走他的衣物與家具,富裕的人們將他當作飯後閒聊的話題,而他姪子的小添也因為家中無法湊齊資金治療他,渺小的生命就在寒冬殞落。當鬼靈帶著他看見自己墳墓時,日期便是12月25日。 此時Scrooge終於明白,若他能將自己的財產分享出去,將會有更多人獲得救贖。
原始語言: -
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Ghosts guide his death he saw everything happened, poor people seized his clothes and furniture, wealthy people consider him after dinner chat topic, and his nephew Tim also small because the family could not cobble together funds his treatment, little life in the winter imminent demise. When he saw with his own ghosts grave, the date is December 25. <br>At this time, Scrooge finally understand that if he can go out to share their property, there will be more people salvation.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Ghostling led him to see what had happened after his death, poor people picked up his clothes and furniture, the rich people took him as a topic of post-dinner chat, and his nephew's little added because the family could not pool funds to treat him, small life fell in the cold winter. When the ghost takes him to see his grave, the date is December 25.<br> At this point Scrooge finally realized that if he could share his property, more people would be redeemed.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
The ghost guides him to see what happens after his death. The poor people pick up his clothes and furniture. The rich people treat him as a topic of chatting after dinner. His nephew's Xiaotian also dies in the cold winter because he can't get enough money to cure him at home. When the ghost takes him to see his grave, the date is December 25.<br>At this time, Scrooge finally understood that if he could share his property, more people would be saved.<br>
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