Northrop Grumman received a $2.37 billion contract to develop two satellites that will be part of a future constellation provides for the U.S. military early early warning early warning of incoming s.<br><br>The tha i'r severed May 18 is for two Next-Generation Image Revere Red Red missile satellites to be deployed in polar orbits.<br><br>Two years ago the Air Force selected Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin as the prime contractors for the program known as Next-Gen OPIR. Lockheed Martin has received more than $3 billion in sole-source contracts to develop and produce three geosin orbit satellites. Northrop Grumman got a $47 million contract in August 2018 to begin designing the polar satellites. This latest age fund the development of two satellites and early procurement of hardware. Another contract for production and integration will will follow in 2022. ...