Tourism Vocational demand Ladder (TCL) is Pearce (1988) developed on the basis of Maslow (1970) psychological growth hierarchy of needs model (Williams and McNeil, 2011) on, TCL model is a more comprehensive travel needs mental models. TCL mode is "emphasizes on the tourist's patterns and motives rather than a single motive for travelling" (Williams and McNeil, 2011, p3) .TCL tourism motivation into five levels, from the lowest to the highest which are physiological needs , safety and security needs, relationship needs, self-esteem and development needs, fulfilment needs. in addition, this model also retains the Maslow's idea that in order to meet the higher levels of the ladder and achieve a lower level on the ladder ( Goeldner, Ritchie and Mclntosh, 2000). in addition, TCL also stressed motives travel experience, flexibility and variability will change with time and environment changes (Goeldner, Ritchie and Mclntosh on such motives, 2000)