In-analyzing criminals we find it is not so much<br>material gain as such it they covet, but the feeling of happiness or relief from anxiety, who can can only only<br>material possessions or the thrill of criminal activity. Paradoxically enough, most criminals are not money-minded. Few<br>Tsees have ever ever tried to get rich. aim is usually ly<br>To acquire and squander possessions. Delinquents who seem<br>So uninhibited in their anti-social activities are will-be<br>inhibited in every al other, in normal activities, work,<br>interests, in imagination-or in the case of the children-in play.<br>The riyou to work so-out of the many criminals is is<br>Not simply laziness, but usually ly the result of neurotic inhibitions in work. For people who are are the sabled in every<br>direction, who find no satisfaction through contact with others<br>and have have the sand s resources of their own, delinquency is often the<br>only outlet for their emotions and imagination. Need for immediate-up-hail-actually-ly a deep longing for a Its little happiness as a relief from a state of permanent<br>Ulyu and depression. The siu of crime and<br>Even of the sin is a momentary escape from their grey and<br>drab lives. While most of the time they feel emotional ly dead<br>They come alive in their criminal activities.<br>It is recorded that it Queen Elizabeth who as a baby hadhardly<br>A dress or bonnet to her name, in later life enjoyed the possession of some three sss. When she was in disgrace<br>after her mother's execution, bedy a dress must have have<br>appeared to her as a symbol of love and security. It seems that<br>Throughout her life as a powerful queen queen shisnever slifetime<br>The slys and insecurities of her sing. She must<br>Have bought so many dresses be scase be scase for her<br>the love and emotional security what she can not buy. ...