Another sheet has been replaced BSB Board, PSB Board which reads the result is: a gripping device! If you are talking about, we Stepping back even confirm the original BSB Board, "Com-express or open pins on the J5 connector" issue, 1 removable Com-express, check BSB Board J5 connector, without any abnormal and open; 2. then try to replace the Com-express spare machine after the verification, PSB Board has normally crawl and follow-up tests, incidentally: we in the maintenance process, how to analyze judged to be abnormal PSB Board or BSB Board? Determining whether or faster reference information, "because this sheet BSB Board in the calibration station is the station's normal operations;! In Verfication station is abnormal, so as to focus only on PSB with a problem, not the problem BSB Board <br><br>has processing such as content description