Hold an old dart, pry semiangle stubborn tea, taste and bitterness of life. Stand in front of target, throw darts, watch the score gains and losses...... Laughing, it seems to Wu Da myriads of things between heaven and earth, the earth attenuation bittersweet, vitality of unobstructed harmony, this refers to a situation...
as the old saying goes: locked in, innovation, no to a new. Only the launch of the ancient tea dart knife series is not broken, and. What? Painstakingly collected the ancient Ming and Qing weapon for the material, careful grinding, jade ornaments, bitingly cold and moist, and in one; a century old dart, Dayton into this tea treasures, its shape does not change, magical Tiancheng is predicated not broken standing...
Dart or dart! Hero and spirit still, cold, cold, dense edge; also is no longer a dart dart! Qingdeng companion, and tea for friends, regardless of resurrection, enqiu vanished from Ann live from the heart, only in Esquire fingers, homes are chasing the electrical angry stone pleasure...