Tea among the South Asian nations of Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh is not only consumed with milk and sugar but also with a healthy dose of spices. Although the British are credited with creating the habit of tea drinking among these countries, the use of spices is rooted in traditional cultural practices. Herbs and spices form an integral part of South Asian cooking and Ayurveda, hence, the addition to tea was quite natural to the region’s people. The ingredients and styles of chai vary from region to region, but one common element is that the tea is boiled along with the milk and spices for a longer period until the intended taste, flavour and strength are achieved. The brewed tea is then poured into earthenware pots or small glasses to be sipped slowly. We suggest drizzling a little bit of honey or kittul treacle into our Spice Chai for added sweetness. An invigorating beverage during summer or winter