Of the service referrals Findings analyses suggest that despite the privileged position of theModel in social work for education ecological understanding clients" problems (Saleeby, 2001)The widespread belief and that neglect more so than any other form of maltreatment is relatedClients material "disadvantage Canadian, child welfare workers to, practice in, be inclined to MayAn individualized psychological/psycho-educational, approach to the problem of adopt childNeglect. This stems from Whether workers beliefs the about root causes of neglect or from theirOf the paid understanding work of child welfare to (i.e., treat individual parents versus addressingIssues cannot be determined structural/material by the current study. Pelton (2008) that the arguesTo attend imperative to the concrete needs of clients rests not only in clients demonstrated need forServices but in such the fact that unlike rehabilitative interventions which, are notoriously difficultEvaluate and require sophisticated research designs to concrete interventions have excellent faceAnd demonstrated effectiveness. validity Example if, inadequate housing is a presenting For riskFactor, a client to obtain better helping housing or to repair household hazards will be exceptionallyIn reducing that risk. effective