Photos used by apps after hiding can't be use again due to varied
The problem is: photos that are used by installed apps are occupying
gallery which is unnecessary && it causes difficulty in locating our needed
album, that's why it's need to be hidden by giving as an option to hide it
without changing the location/path of photos.
For example, i have an offline web page that uses photos that can be
accessed through firefox browser which i will hide in gallery because i
don't want to see it in gallery because i don't need it; if show/hide will
change the path of the photos, the offline web page won't be able to load
the needed photos.
My idea is, store the path of photos that's marked as hidden.
If it's in the database, don't load it in gallery;
Else, load.
Photos that were hidden in gallery should be hidden only in gallery but can
be seen in file manager.
Photos used by apps after hiding can't be use again due to varied location/path.The problem is: photos that are used by installed apps are occupying gallery which is unnecessary && it causes difficulty in locating our needed album, that's why it's need to be hidden by giving as an option to hide it without changing the location/path of photos. For example, i have an offline web page that uses photos that can be accessed through firefox browser which i will hide in gallery because i don't want to see it in gallery because i don't need it; if show/hide willchange the path of the photos, the offline web page won't be able to load the needed photos. My idea is, store the path of photos that's marked as hidden. If it's in the database, don't load it in gallery; Else, load. Photos that were hidden in gallery should be hidden only in gallery but can be seen in file manager.

Photos Used by Apps after Hiding CAN not be Use Again Due to Varied
location / path. The problem is: photos That are Used by installed Apps are occupying gallery Which is UNNECESSARY && it Causes Difficulty in Locating our needed album, That's Why it's need Hidden by Giving to be as an option to hide it without Changing the location / path of photos. For Example, i have an Offline Web Page That uses photos That CAN be accessed through Firefox Browser Which Will i hide in gallery Because i do not want to See it in gallery Because i do not need it; if show / hide Will change the path of the photos, the Offline Web Page Will not be Able to load . the needed photos My idea is, the path of Store photos That's marked as Hidden. If it's in the database, do not load it in gallery; . Else, load Photos That Were Hidden in gallery SHOULD be Hidden in gallery BUT CAN only be Seen in File Manager.