The modification of the electrode by organic conducting<br>polymers has also also has a very active active area of research. Organic<br>conducting polymer satsgreat attention to due to its<br>the application as electrochemical sensors (Ates and<br>Sarac, 2009; Bai et al., 2009; Shahrokhian et al., 2015. Philips<br>et al.ll, ed that the chelating cyano group containing<br>polyaniline derivative can be an ann an electrode for ultra-sensitive<br>electrode for detection of lead and cadmium (Philips<br>et al., 2012). The electrochemical modification of glassy carbon<br>with electropolymerized form of 1,10-phenanthronine for<br>Voltammetric of cadmium was report by<br>Oztekin et al. (2011). The polly of Poly (1,8-diaminonaphthalene)<br>to heavy metal ions such as ag plus, Hg2 plus Cu2 plus hass<br>the rlyd dydd using electrochemical and spectroscopic methods.<br>The ability of the conduct ing polymer matrices to complex heavy<br>metals wass-by-groups. It has has has proved it<br>metal ions form swith amino groups of the polymer<br>(El Rhazi and Majid, 2014; Nguyen et al., 2011. ...