4. Promotion of wellness and quality of life. [9,10]<br>The structured intervention should consist of the following。<br>twelve parameters:<br>1. Information on the high prevalence rates and the course。<br>over time。<br>2. Information on causes and excretory factors as well as。<br>training in order to patients aware of the factors that may。<br>trigger relapse。<br>3. Information about the medications, the advantages and。<br>disadvantages (side effects) of their taking。<br>4. Training for early detection and decoding of earlywarning。<br>symptoms。<br>5. Design a plan to deal with emergencies。<br>6. Training for symptom control。<br>7. Information on the risks which posed by the use of。<br>prohibited substances and the abuse of alcohol and caffeine。<br>8. Emphasize the importance and benefits of maintaining a。<br>daily program, particularly the stability of the sleep-wake。<br>cycle。<br>9. Promote a healthy lifestyle。<br>10. Training for effective stress management。<br>11. Information focusing on issues of pregnancy and selfdestructive。<br>behavior。<br>12. Fighting of social stigma and the psychosocial。<br>consequences of the disease. ...