tiger parenting on children caused many negative effects on children, as will be described in detail <br>first, parents stringent requirements make the child feel very much pressure, due to the very high demands on the child, either academically or some of the other skills, such as musical instruments, dance, parents require children need to learn many skills, and to achieve a perfect score, but children in the children's stage is not able to put too much pressure, and even for adults it is difficult to do out of each different skills, even most are not interested in them, but on their parents to arrange and strong demand continue to learn, not voluntary, and parents often send their children to compare with others, stressed the perfectionism Shidao children feel that they are not always better than parents on others, afraid to commit any minor error, and will blame themselves for not perfect, so feel inferior and tremendous pressure. <br>Secondly, low child well-being, because the parents of the child only requirements and expectations and will not take the initiative to understand the child's needs, when the child is only a tool to meet their requirements and ideas, so that the children show off their achievements to others to reach I meet, but ignored the children need parental love and need their parents with them, to encourage and to lead them to progress and growth, however, were tiger parenting on parents to children but the lack of child care and love. <br>Thirdly, child likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, based on a long time to grow under pressure, and the lack of growth in an environment of love, children feel they are not understood and felt unimportant, it is difficult to express their feelings to others, easy to shut ourselves up, because children need to have fun with friends and build social circle, but based on parenting on children's governance Shidao they do not have to rest and entertainment time, the lack of channels Shufa pressure, the pressure will be piled together and then easily suffer from mood disorders, easily lead to future growth, for example, is difficult to make friends, or the need to use drugs to deal with mood disorders, body and soul to cause great harm. <br>Thus, tiger parenting on children would cause many negative effects children.