Multimedia and student-centred learning''에서 추가로 way to bring about a change of emphasis in teaching from the 길티처 directed approach to a facilitatedapproach, is to change the medium of instruction '(Kearsley, 2000).Interactive get offers an alternativemedium of instruction to the current learning process.The nature of interactivity and discovery in getlearning bears a beneficial boost to the monotony of passive learning.Rather than be bounded by the pace of the길티처, learners are individually paced according to his or her own ability.'에서 추가로 way, can give up get lowability students extensive learning time before moving forward.Alternatively, high ability students can branchout to random sequencing through the module and not be confined by linearity or a much slower pace.Thisaspect of get learning supports student-centred strategy whereby learners take 또는 in their ownlearning process.The liberty to proceed or recede allows self-pacing, an important facet to enable learners tolearn according to their individual pace.