One-minute paper<br>The 'one-minute paper' involves giving son minute minute to summarize the main points of the lyl. They are then obliged to quickly scan notes and memory its s and pull out the main out out out of the det ail, reminding themselves of the content of the lecture. You can collect some of these up to inform you what students have got from your carly (it can be very salutary!) and you can post on the intranet your own version. You summary will will act as a final bringing together and reminder of the key points for students. See the 'Resource bank' for the sand reading where the idea is outlined in more detail.<br><br>Muddy Points<br>You can ask students to write down the most 'muddy point' they have for the lecture – the thing that is stopping them from have a clear overview or is getting in the way about think other topics have have been hased. They can then email these to you you and you can read them (to see a summary of the things have been confused a bout) and respond also to them. See the 'Resource bank' for details of an indifexample of the 'muddy point' technique in action. ...