The role of media policy in ensuring or enabling effective governance in crisis zones is never far from the minds of those in power, to the extent that they control the instruments of diffusion. On the one hand, media can be used as a tool to secure support for the government or silence criticism. For example, in various crisis contexts, the government in charge often seeks to close down media that are hypercritical (with the test of “hyper” often being quite relaxed), or prohibit entry of critical or potentially threatening voices. While this can be a contest over defining the nation, it can also reflect the government’s view that its capacity to govern is threatened. In Iraq, during the CPA period, another media-related Order, Order 14, was deployed (though not often) to close down newspapers that the Administrator considered to be promoting a policy or encouraging group activity deemed hostile to the CPA mission (Price 2007).
The role of media policy in ensuring or enabling effective governance in crisis zones is never far from the minds of those in power, to the extent that they control the instruments of diffusion. On the one hand, media can be used as a tool to secure support for the government or silence criticism. for example, in various crisis contexts, the government in charge often seeks to close down media that are hypercritical (with the test of "hyper" often being quite relaxed), or prohibit entry of critical or potentially threatening voices. While this can be a contest over defining the nation, it can also reflect the government's view that its capacity to govern is threatened. In Iraq, during the CPA period, another media-related Order, Order 14,was deployed (though not often) to close down newspapers that the Administrator considered to be promoting a policy or encouraging group activity deemed hostile to the CPA mission (Price 2007).

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