Dear ArchieHow are you? Although I have not yet received your letter, but still very pleased to write to youTo a nearby mountain with my family this summer holiday, I also ride bikes, older daughter also in the LakeBoating, you are close to the sea or the mountains? What do normal every day lifeI pray every morning there is a period of time, planted some vegetables in my backyard garden, this afternoon to look after finishingWhich look is the best beans and cabbage, not what approaches fruit, because Canada's summer is too short,Previously in Taiwan because of the hot weather there is a lot of fruit, I think there are plenty of delicious fruit of the PhilippinesMy favorite fruit is watermelon PEAR mango, and pineapple are tropical fruits, Canada some fruit is an AppleAnd some peaches, others are imported, but not so good because importedWhat do eat all three meals a day? We often eat tofu vegetables with some meat, is bread and milk in the morning, thenSometimes some noodles, are also eat rice? Don't know when you get the letter, it was autumn and theHave returned to school, hope you have a good study, serious study, the grace of the Lord Jesus, give you allBest wishes to you and your family