Via the above discussion, various scholars on interpersonal forgiveness that hold different ideas and definitions of this study to investigate the affair hurt interpersonal forgiveness of positive change, the more inclined to involve the definition of forgiveness Forgiveness "intrapersonal" the process of reaction, and The two sides stressed the affair is not the "reconciliation" process, the actual occurrence, an affair injured woman, she may decide to stay in the marriage, or decide to divorce, as long as she has experienced personal inner journey of forgiveness for those who hurt, she can move forward Rehabilitation of the road changes ahead, the actual occurrence of interpersonal forgiveness for taking this definition, the injured person is a broader, more freedom. Therefore in the definition of the research on interpersonal forgiveness that is: "interpersonal forgiveness is a person, the face of harm by his or her injuries, be personal inner transformation process of forgiveness through the forgiveness process, and eventually he or she can achieve positive life adjustment function. enemy forgive one happens is people, not objects or events in the event of injury due to the spouse having an affair women, for example, she passed on the injured person's personal inner journey of forgiveness, and finally she can reduce anger, shame Low self-esteem and other negative emotional complexity, and gradually toward emotional stability, happiness, confidence and other positive emotions, as well as achieve the ability to face life positively. "
in the definition for forgiveness issues, many researchers are right, "What forgiveness, forgiveness and what is not, "began to form a consensus, but the views of forgiveness during which researchers use among people is still inconsistent, many alternative terms describe the course of an individual's inner self forgiveness, and a description of the individual's clinical intervention (Reed, 1998; Rainey, 2008).