My beloved and dear Chove, my dear, I feel more comfortable, because you feel the same way I feel here is because I sincerely trust you all in my life, and now I can never lose you, because I really believe you, that's why I share with my last drop of blood with you my all, because I fully believe that you are God-fearing woman, I can handle with care fund until I come there in your country is fast, I can do anything people might take proper care of your heart as soon as possible I would like to apologize okay and dear, a little late reply to your e-mail, because I was busy here in Afghanistan to report, and the emergence of the local CNN and other related things, so I was more busy well here. In fact, my dear, I know we have never met, but I sincerely believe you with all my heart, I believe that you are a reliable woman in my life, and I know you can handle my fund, for God awe, until I come in a few months time, I do so because I am here to stay in the Arab world is now just a few months, because of the conflict and crisis here is unbearable, this fund is not the correct security This is why I sincerely believe that your reason everything in my life, I can not believe you let me down? So, dear, you need not worry about any of your self what everything is risk free, no safe all you need to do is stay in your home address or to plan the implementation of Security Express delivery service arrival date Place - Afghan diplomats and as when he arrived there in your country, he will find you home and you meet, so he will give you a good package and all necessary documents relating to the Fund in. And dear I received your e-mail and your complete information, I have submitted diplomatic office in your name and address and now we have started shipping arrangements. Once they complete (the implementation of Security Express delivery services - Afghan diplomats) shipment processing, I will let you know the exact date and time diplomats will leave here and of all the other necessary information. Someone told me that in your country arrival date should be Thursday / Friday, I will update as soon as possible but fortunately you more about my dear, I sincerely trust you so much, my future partner, I promise you , everything will go well, when you receive the money, you can hire a bank safe deposit box, and put it in the bank's safe deposit box, no one will ask you any questions. And dear oath, I spent as a soldier, to protect the lives of people around the world, and I insist on the same oath and now you love you with all my heart, and take good care of you, I am a woman and I can trust never hurt, I will continue to love you with all my life also. Have a nice day and dear to me continue my duties here, and take good care of yourself my beloved, I can not wait for you over there in your country will soon be all right Augustin Captain Alan!