Just discussed with JT next Wednesday (your Tuesday) board of directors' motion, the main bill is as follows, please prepare a slide according to the following motion and provide it to me, if you have any questions please as soon as possible to propose a discussion<br>Matters to be reported:<br>1.To confirm the minutes of the last board meeting and review the follow-up actions.<br>1.1 Marketing product plan: How AB Aero Partners helped CSC find the right sales/marketing/customer for the CSC<br>1.2 Inventory-by-plan:<br>(1) Change BOM and UOM on Paints/Chemicals Adhesives<br>(2) MRB Process Checklist/Add MRB Operation to MO's<br>(3) Move Into Room<br>(4) Review Slow-Moving Inventory<br>1.3 Calculate new break-even point son current status and report in next BOD meeting. See annex file - based on the fixed cost and variable cost calculation of the 2020 budget, sheet "BEP analysis" is assumed that DL is a fixed cost, sheet "BEP analysis (2)" is assumed that DL is a variable cost<br>Proposed Resolutions: <br>1.2019 Budget Summary<br>1.1 Customer's other business plans for the next 3 years (to provide other customer revenue and market planning for the next 3 years)<br>1.2 Budget 2020<br> a. Comparison of the 2020 budget income statement with the 2019 estimate and the actual 2018 figure<br> b. Client's other budget income statement for 2020<br> c.Estimated cash flow for 2020<br>2.Renew the Loan of The Citi Bank <br>2.1 CSC has applied ed for a loan credit line of US$7,000,000 Citibank and intends to renew the home for the operation. Detail as below : ...