Nike is committed to disclosing details on its global contract factories on a quarterly basis and your help in maintaining the accuracy of this data is critical to this effort.
You are receiving this email because you have been listed as the Factory Contact for a factory and the Factory Profile information requires verification. At the bottom of this email are the factory details. Please verify that the current Factory Profile information is correct and update any sections that are out of date.
To verify the factory profile and make any updates, go to: and login with your username and password. Then follow these steps to access the Factory Profile:
- Click Applications
- Click Factory View
- Click Factory View a second time
- Type the CR Code listed at the bottom of this email in the search box
Once you’ve accessed the factory profile, click on the VERIFICATION button on the top left hand side. The verification page will include a link to a User Guide to help you with the verification process. Please be sure to verify the factory profiles and make any necessary updates by 2015-05-31.
If you do not have or have lost access to “nikeConnect”, please work with your local Nike contact to obtain/update your login access.
As the Factory Contact you’re responsible for verifying all sections of your factory’s profile. Please be sure to pay close attention to the following profile sections:
Employee Demographic Details (Total workers, # Line Workers, % Male/Female, Average worker age, # Migrant Workers)
Verify that the factory contacts listed are correct and up to date (Contacts)
All manufacturing processes used at the factory (Processes)
% of Nike Inc. Brands at the factory (Brands)
% and name of all other brands actively being manufactured at the factory (Brands)
Nike is committed to disclosing details on its global contract factories on a quarterly basis and your help in maintaining the accuracy of this data is critical to this effort.You are receiving this email because you have been listed as the Factory Contact for a factory and the Factory Profile information requires verification. At the bottom of this email are the factory details. Please verify that the current Factory Profile information is correct and update any sections that are out of date.To verify the factory profile and make any updates, go to: and login with your username and password. Then follow these steps to access the Factory Profile:- Click Applications- Click Factory View- Click Factory View a second time- Type the CR Code listed at the bottom of this email in the search boxOnce you’ve accessed the factory profile, click on the VERIFICATION button on the top left hand side. The verification page will include a link to a User Guide to help you with the verification process. Please be sure to verify the factory profiles and make any necessary updates by 2015-05-31.If you do not have or have lost access to “nikeConnect”, please work with your local Nike contact to obtain/update your login access.As the Factory Contact you’re responsible for verifying all sections of your factory’s profile. Please be sure to pay close attention to the following profile sections:Employee Demographic Details (Total workers, # Line Workers, % Male/Female, Average worker age, # Migrant Workers)Verify that the factory contacts listed are correct and up to date (Contacts)All manufacturing processes used at the factory (Processes)% of Nike Inc. Brands at the factory (Brands)% and name of all other brands actively being manufactured at the factory (Brands)

Nike is committed to disclosing details on ITS factories on a quarterly global Contract Basis and your Help in Maintaining the Accuracy of this Data is Critical to this effort.
You are Receiving this Email Because you have Been listed as the Factory Contact for a Factory and the . Factory Profile information requires verification At the bottom of this Email details are the Factory Factory Please verify That the current information is correct and Profile Update any Sections That are out of Date..
To verify the Factory Profile and make any updates, Go to: Login with your username and password and Then Follow THESE Steps to Access the Factory Profile:.
- Click Applications
- Click Factory View
- Click Factory View a Second time
- the CR Code Type listed at the bottom of this Email in the search Box
Once you've accessed the Factory Profile, VERIFICATION Click on the left button on the Top Hand Side. The verification Page Will include a link to a User Guide to Help you with the verification Process. Please be Sure to verify the Factory Necessary profiles and make any updates by 2015-05-31.
If you do not have or have Lost Access to "nikeConnect", Please contact Work with your local Nike to Obtain / Update your Login Access.
As the Factory Contact you're Responsible for Verifying All Sections of your Factory's Profile Please be Sure to Pay Close Attention to the following Profile Sections:.
Employee Demographic Details (Total Workers, # Line Workers,% Male / Female, Average worker age, # Migrant Workers)
Verify That the Factory Contacts listed are correct and up to Date (Contacts)
All Manufacturing Processes Used at the Factory (Processes)
% of Nike Inc. Brands at the Factory (Brands)
% All other Brands and name of being actively Manufactured at the Factory (Brands)

Nike is committed to disclosing details on its global contract factories on a quarterly basis and your help in maintaining the accuracy of this data is critical to this effort. The email You are receiving this because you have been listed as the Factory Contact for a factory and the Factory Profile information requires verification. At the bottom of this email factory are the details.Please verify that the current Factory Profile information is correct and update any sections that are out of date. to verify the factory To profile and make any updates, go to: www.nikeconnect. com and login with your username and password. Then follow these steps to access the Factory Profile:) - Click Applications
-Click Factory View
-Click Factory View a second time)-Type the CR Code listed at the bottom of this email in the search box to Once you`ve accessed the factory Profile, click on the VERIFICATION button on the top left hand side. The verification page will include a link to a User Guide to help you with the verification process. Please be sure to verify the factory profiles and make any necessary updates by 2015-05-31. ToIf you do not have or have lost access to the nikeConnect, please your work with local Nike contact to obtain/update your login access. To the As Factory Contact You' re responsible for verifying all sections of your factory's profile. Please be sure to pay close attention to the following profile sections: the Demographic Employee Details (Total workers, # Line Workers,% Male/Female,Average worker age, # Migrant Workers) Verify) that the factory listed contacts are correct and up to date (Contacts)) All manufacturing processes used at the factory (Processes)) per cent of Nike Inc. Brands at the factory (Brands) and the name per cent of all other brands actively being manufactured at the factory (Brands)