



空氣很乾淨,光是眼前的美景,就能瞬間遺忘掉不愉快的事情 ...即使过去的伤痛难以忘记,放下所有的挣扎,無法原諒,或是任何不愉快的事情
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
On that day, a quiet mountain climbingCrawling for hours will not feel bored because dialogue with nature, and his own internal dialogue is not boring ...The air is clean, just by the beauty, it will instantly forget unpleasant things ... Even if that past pain hard to forget, put down all the struggles, unable to forgive, or any unpleasant things
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
That day, a quiet mountain to climb for several hours will not feel bored, because dialogue with nature, and their own inner dialogue is not boring ... the air is clean, just in front of the beauty, you can forget about unpleasant moment thing ... even if it is difficult to forget the pain of the past, put aside all the struggle, unable to forgive, or any unpleasant things

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
On that day, static mountain climbing

crawled for several hours not to feel bored, because talked with the nature, with innermost feelings dialog not bored...The

air is very clean, is only the present beautiful scene, can forget not the happy matter instantaneously..., even if the past grief were hard to forget that put down all struggling, is unable to forgive, or any not happy matter
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