On the deck, the tourists finally snapped to their senses asthey discussed the supernatural phenomenon they hadjust seen in murmurs.A person could transform into a flame, and the flame couldreform into a human!Amidst the noisy commotion, the liner continued cruisingforward on the safe sea route. It didn't encounter anyaccidents midway, and it arrived at another harbor atmidnight.Like usual, Klein didn't alight, afraid that he wouldencounter something.He took out his gold pocket watch and opened it todetermine the time to head to the restaurant.Another half an hour... Klein silently muttered to himself ashe looked up and out the window.At this moment, many tourists who were bound for thisharbor were heading for the dock along the gangway withtheir luggage in hand.As he swept his gaze, Klein's gaze suddenly stopped on afigure.The figure wore a black bonnet. He had dark goldensideburns. His lips were tightly pursed and his facialfeatures were clear and distinct, like an ancient, classicalsculpture without any wrinkles.He wasn't carrying any luggage, and soon, he steppedonto the dock with the crowd, disappearing into thecorner of the road.