For the kind of food is very, and abdominal ICDRG: I laugh.Private puppet, 24 hours of,,,, Ma, election, and in developmental see send hyperplastic Kara, much ~ hyperplastic. (GA Si, U-shaped, taken the major,,, and, and with ancient yo u to sell much cutting and terms, Jian ERU and evil GA flying: and I. ^ 0 ^;)I eat emergency food I, was hungry. When LaughsI found a 24-hour supermarket I came to here. Because However, is sold out in same the it way as a convenience store and, it was assortment bad. (^ 0 ^;)Urgent to eat, hungry.Because I found a 24 hour supermarket, I came here. However, it has been sold out, in a convenience store, in the same way and it was bad for the classification.