PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696789703: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限的英文翻譯

PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696789703: 錦標賽#

PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696789703: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:52:12 CCT [2016/05/01 6:52:12 ET]
「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第1號座位現在是莊家
第1號座位:dextrela(1500 籌碼)
第2號座位:KorneyD(1500 籌碼)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1500 籌碼)
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1500 籌碼)
第5號座位:lezakos(1500 籌碼)
第6號座位:MC-Beast(1500 籌碼)
第7號座位:Aleks7013(1500 籌碼)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn(1500 籌碼)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson(1500 籌碼)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee(1500 籌碼)
KorneyD: 下小盲注 15
*** 底牌 ***
發牌給wid2cx9awnaw [Tc 9c]
wid2cx9awnaw: 蓋牌
lezakos: 跟注 30
MC-Beast: 跟注 30
Aleks7013: 蓋牌
Mayman2012dn: 蓋牌
GSE-Wilson: 蓋牌
Rayan Lee: 跟注 30
dextrela: 加注 165至 195
KorneyD: 蓋牌
lezakos: 加注 1305至 1500 全下
MC-Beast: 蓋牌
Rayan Lee: 蓋牌
dextrela: 跟注 1305 全下
*** 翻牌 *** [Td 4h Qs]
*** 轉牌 *** [Td 4h Qs] [As]
*** 河牌 *** [Td 4h Qs As] [6d]
*** 亮牌 ***
lezakos: 亮出底牌 [Ad 5d] (一對A)
dextrela: 亮出底牌 [Ac Ks] (一對A - K 踢子)
*** 總覽 ***
底池總金額3105 |抽成0
牌桌發下[Td 4h Qs As 6d]
第1號座位:dextrela (按鈕) 亮出底牌:[Ac Ks] ,勝出 (3105) 其獲勝牌組為一對A
第2號座位:KorneyD (小盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS (大盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第5號座位:lezakos 亮出底牌:[Ad 5d] ,敗北 其獲勝牌組為一對A
第6號座位:MC-Beast 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第7號座位:Aleks7013 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee 蓋牌 早於 翻牌

PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696813952: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:53:07 CCT [2016/05/01 6:53:07 ET]
「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第2號座位現在是莊家
第1號座位:dextrela(3105 籌碼)
第2號座位:KorneyD(1485 籌碼)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1470 籌碼)
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1500 籌碼)
第6號座位:MC-Beast(1470 籌碼)
第7號座位:Aleks7013(1500 籌碼)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn(1500 籌碼)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson(1500 籌碼)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee(1470 籌碼)
wid2cx9awnaw: 下大盲注 30
*** 底牌 ***
發牌給wid2cx9awnaw [4h 7s]
MC-Beast: 加注 30至 60
Aleks7013: 跟注 60
Mayman2012dn: 蓋牌
GSE-Wilson: 蓋牌
Rayan Lee: 蓋牌
dextrela: 加注 225至 285
KorneyD: 蓋牌
wid2cx9awnaw: 蓋牌
MC-Beast: 蓋牌
Aleks7013: 加注 1215至 1500 全下
dextrela: 蓋牌
Aleks7013: 不公開底牌
*** 總覽 ***
底池總金額675 |抽成0
第1號座位:dextrela 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第2號座位:KorneyD (按鈕) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS (小盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw (大盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第6號座位:MC-Beast 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第7號座位:Aleks7013 贏得 (675)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)

PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696832695: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:53:50 CCT [2016/05/01 6:53:50 ET]
「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第3號座位現在是莊家
第1號座位:dextrela(2820 籌碼)
第2號座位:KorneyD(1485 籌碼)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1455 籌碼)
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1470 籌碼)
第6號座位:MC-Beast(1410 籌碼)
第7號座位:Aleks7013(1890 籌碼)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn(1500 籌碼)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson(1500 籌碼)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee(1470 籌碼)
wid2cx9awnaw: 下小盲注 15
MC-Beast: 下大盲注 30
*** 底牌 ***
發牌給wid2cx9awnaw [Jh 6c]
Aleks7013: 加注 30至 60
Mayman2012dn: 蓋牌
GSE-Wilson: 蓋牌
Rayan Lee: 蓋牌
dextrela: 蓋牌
KorneyD: 蓋牌
wid2cx9awnaw: 蓋牌
MC-Beast: 跟注 30
*** 翻牌 *** [3d 9c 3h]
MC-Beast: 過牌
Aleks7013: 過牌
*** 轉牌 *** [3d 9c 3h] [Tc]
MC-Beast: 過牌
Aleks7013: 下注 90
MC-Beast: 蓋牌
Aleks7013: 不公開底牌
*** 總覽 ***
底池總金額135 |抽成0
牌桌發下[3d 9c 3h Tc]
第1號座位:dextrela 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第2號座位:KorneyD 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS (按鈕) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw (小盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第6號座位:MC-Beast (大盲注) 蓋牌 在上面 轉牌
第7號座位:Aleks7013 贏得 (135)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)

PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696850268: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:54:29 CCT [2016/05/01 6:54:29 ET]
「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第4號座位現在是莊家
第1號座位:dextrela(2820 籌碼)
第2號座位:KorneyD(1485 籌碼)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1455 籌碼)
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1455 籌碼)
第6號座位:MC-Beast(1350 籌碼)
第7號座位:Aleks7013(1965 籌碼)
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn(1500 籌碼)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson(1500 籌碼)
第10號座位:Rayan Lee(1470 籌碼)
MC-Beast: 下小盲注 15
Aleks7013: 下大盲注 30
*** 底牌 ***
發牌給wid2cx9awnaw [Th 4d]
Mayman2012dn: 蓋牌
GSE-Wilson: 加注 30至 60
Rayan Lee: 跟注 60
dextrela: 跟注 60
KorneyD: 蓋牌
wid2cx9awnaw: 蓋牌
MC-Beast: 蓋牌
Aleks7013: 跟注 30
*** 翻牌 *** [7d 3c 5d]
Aleks7013: 過牌
GSE-Wilson: 過牌
Rayan Lee: 過牌
dextrela: 下注 315
Aleks7013: 蓋牌
GSE-Wilson: 蓋牌
Rayan Lee: 蓋牌
*** 總覽 ***
底池總金額315 |抽成0
牌桌發下[7d 3c 5d]
第1號座位:dextrela 贏得 (315)
第2號座位:KorneyD 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw (按鈕) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第6號座位:MC-Beast (小盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌
第7號座位:Aleks7013 (大盲注) 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌
第8號座位:Mayman2012dn 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)
第9號座位:GSE-Wilson 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌
第10號座位:Rayan Lee 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌

PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696867342: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:55:09 CCT [2016/05/01 6:55:09 ET]
「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第6號座位現在是莊家
第1號座位:dextrela(3075 籌碼)
第2號座位:KorneyD(1485 籌碼)
第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1395 籌碼)
第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1455 籌碼)
第6號座位:MC-Beast(1335 籌碼)
原始語言: 繁體中文
目標語言: 英文
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
PokerStars PokerStars Poker #152696789703: tournament #1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD Texas Holdem Poker no-limit-level I (15/30)-2016/05/01 18:52:12 CCT [2016/05/01 6:52:12 ET]"1554042987 1" table 10-MAX 1th seat now is the market maker1th seat: dextrela (1500 chips) 2nd seat: KorneyD (1500 chips) 3rd seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1500 chips) 4th seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1500 chips) 5th seat: lezakos (1500 chips) 6th seat: MC-Beast (1500 chips) 7th seat: Aleks7013 (1500 chips) 8th seat: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips) 9th seat: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips) 10th seat: Rayan Lee (1500 chips) KorneyD: the next small blind 15SIRDJMILHAUS: the next big blind 30*** 底牌 ***Licensing of wid2cx9awnaw [Tc 9C]Wid2cx9awnaw: the cover Lezakos: Note 30MC-Beast: Note 30Aleks7013: the cover Mayman2012dn: the cover GSE-Wilson: the cover Rayan Lee: Note 30Dextrela: Add 165 to 195KorneyD: the cover SIRDJMILHAUS: the cover Lezakos: raise under 1305-1500MC-Beast: the cover Rayan Lee: cover Dextrela: call under 1305Flop *** [Td 4H Qs]Turn *** [Td 4H Qs] [As]River *** [Td 4H Qs As] [6D]*** 亮牌 ***Lezakos: bluff [Ad 5d] (pair)Dextrela: bluff [Ac Ks] (A-K kick)Dextrela win from the pot of 3105Lezakos won the Championships 10th*** 總覽 ***Pot-3105 | cut the total amount of 0 Under the table [Td 4H Qs As 6D]1th seat: dextrela (button) bluff: [Ac Ks] and won (3105) won group a-a2nd seat: KorneyD (small blind) cover cards before the flop3rd seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (the big blind) cover cards before the flopSeat, 4th: wid2cx9awnaw covered cards before the flop (not betting)5th seat: lezakos bluff: [Ad 5d] lost its winning brand group is a-a6th seat: MC-Beast cover cards before the flop7th seat: Aleks7013 cover cards before the flop (not betting)8th seat: Mayman2012dn cover cards before the flop (not betting)9th seat: GSE-Wilson cover cards before the flop (not betting)10th seat: Rayan Lee cover cards before the flopPokerStars PokerStars Poker #152696813952: tournament #1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD Texas Holdem Poker no-limit-level I (15/30)-2016/05/01 18:53:07 CCT [2016/05/01 6:53:07 ET]"1554042987 1" table 10-MAX, 2nd seating now is the market maker1th seat: dextrela (3105 chips) 2nd seat: KorneyD (1485 chips) 3rd seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1470 chips) 4th seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1500 chips) 6th seat: MC-Beast (1470 chips) 7th seat: Aleks7013 (1500 chips) 8th seat: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips) 9th seat: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips) 10th seat: Rayan Lee (1470 chips) SIRDJMILHAUS: the next small blind 15Wid2cx9awnaw: the next big blind 30*** 底牌 ***Licensing of wid2cx9awnaw [4H 7s]MC-Beast: add 30 to 60Aleks7013: note 60Mayman2012dn: the cover GSE-Wilson: the cover Rayan Lee: cover Dextrela: raise 225-285KorneyD: the cover SIRDJMILHAUS: the cover Wid2cx9awnaw: the cover MC-Beast: the cover Aleks7013: raise under 1215-1500Dextrela: the cover No one calls (1215), the chips back to the Aleks7013Aleks7013 win from the pot 675Aleks7013: private hole cards *** 總覽 ***Pot 675 | cut the total amount of 0 1th seat: dextrela cover cards before the flop2nd seat: KorneyD (button) cover cards before the flop (not betting)3rd seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (small blind) cover cards before the flop4th seat: wid2cx9awnaw (the big blind) cover cards before the flop6th seat: MC-Beast cover cards before the flop7th seat: Aleks7013 won (675)8th seat: Mayman2012dn cover cards before the flop (not betting)9th seat: GSE-Wilson cover cards before the flop (not betting)10th seat: Rayan Lee cover cards before the flop (not betting)PokerStars PokerStars Poker #152696832695: tournament #1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD Texas Holdem Poker no-limit-level I (15/30)-2016/05/01 18:53:50 CCT [2016/05/01 6:53:50 ET]"1554042987 1" table 10-MAX, 3rd seat now is the market maker1th seat: dextrela (2820 chips) 2nd seat: KorneyD (1485 chips) 3rd seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1455 chips) 4th seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1470 chips) 6th seat: MC-Beast (1410 chips) 7th seat: Aleks7013 (1890-chips) 第8號座位:Mayman2012dn(1500 籌碼) 第9號座位:GSE-Wilson(1500 籌碼) 第10號座位:Rayan Lee(1470 籌碼) wid2cx9awnaw: 下小盲注 15MC-Beast: 下大盲注 30*** 底牌 ***發牌給wid2cx9awnaw [Jh 6c]Aleks7013: 加注 30至 60Mayman2012dn: 蓋牌 GSE-Wilson: 蓋牌 Rayan Lee: 蓋牌 dextrela: 蓋牌 KorneyD: 蓋牌 SIRDJMILHAUS: 蓋牌 wid2cx9awnaw: 蓋牌 MC-Beast: 跟注 30*** 翻牌 *** [3d 9c 3h]MC-Beast: 過牌 Aleks7013: 過牌 *** 轉牌 *** [3d 9c 3h] [Tc]MC-Beast: 過牌 Aleks7013: 下注 90MC-Beast: 蓋牌 無人跟注(90),籌碼歸還給Aleks7013Aleks7013從底池中贏得135Aleks7013: 不公開底牌 *** 總覽 ***底池總金額135 |抽成0 牌桌發下[3d 9c 3h Tc]第1號座位:dextrela 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第2號座位:KorneyD 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS (按鈕) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw (小盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌第6號座位:MC-Beast (大盲注) 蓋牌 在上面 轉牌第7號座位:Aleks7013 贏得 (135)第8號座位:Mayman2012dn 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第9號座位:GSE-Wilson 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第10號座位:Rayan Lee 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696850268: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:54:29 CCT [2016/05/01 6:54:29 ET]「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第4號座位現在是莊家第1號座位:dextrela(2820 籌碼) 第2號座位:KorneyD(1485 籌碼) 第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1455 籌碼) 第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1455 籌碼) 第6號座位:MC-Beast(1350 籌碼) 第7號座位:Aleks7013(1965 籌碼) 第8號座位:Mayman2012dn(1500 籌碼) 第9號座位:GSE-Wilson(1500 籌碼) 第10號座位:Rayan Lee(1470 籌碼) MC-Beast: 下小盲注 15Aleks7013: 下大盲注 30*** 底牌 ***發牌給wid2cx9awnaw [Th 4d]Mayman2012dn: 蓋牌 GSE-Wilson: 加注 30至 60Rayan Lee: 跟注 60dextrela: 跟注 60KorneyD: 蓋牌 SIRDJMILHAUS: 跟注 60wid2cx9awnaw: 蓋牌 MC-Beast: 蓋牌 Aleks7013: 跟注 30*** 翻牌 *** [7d 3c 5d]Aleks7013: 過牌 GSE-Wilson: 過牌 Rayan Lee: 過牌 dextrela: 下注 315SIRDJMILHAUS: 蓋牌 Aleks7013: 蓋牌 GSE-Wilson: 蓋牌 Rayan Lee: 蓋牌 無人跟注(315),籌碼歸還給dextreladextrela從底池中贏得315*** 總覽 ***底池總金額315 |抽成0 牌桌發下[7d 3c 5d]第1號座位:dextrela 贏得 (315)第2號座位:KorneyD 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw (按鈕) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第6號座位:MC-Beast (小盲注) 蓋牌 早於 翻牌第7號座位:Aleks7013 (大盲注) 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌第8號座位:Mayman2012dn 蓋牌 早於 翻牌 (未下注)第9號座位:GSE-Wilson 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌第10號座位:Rayan Lee 蓋牌 在上面 翻牌PokerStars撲克之星牌局#152696867342: 錦標賽#1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$ USD 德州撲克 無限注 -第I級 (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:55:09 CCT [2016/05/01 6:55:09 ET]「1554042987 1」牌桌 10-max 第6號座位現在是莊家第1號座位:dextrela(3075 籌碼) 第2號座位:KorneyD(1485 籌碼) 第3號座位:SIRDJMILHAUS(1395 籌碼) 第4號座位:wid2cx9awnaw(1455 籌碼) 第6號座位:MC-Beast(1335 籌碼)
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
PokerStars is the Board 152 696 789 703 #: Tournament # 1554042987, 3.30 $ + 0.20 $ USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:52:12 CCT [ 2016/05/01 6:52:12 ET]
"15540429871" 10-max table No. 1 seat is now making
the No. 1 seat: dextrela (1500 chips)
No. 2 seat: KorneyD (1500 chips)
No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS ( 1500 chips)
No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1500 chips)
No. 5 Capacity: lezakos (1500 chips)
No. 6 seat: MC-Beast (1500 chips)
No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 (1500 chips)
No. 8 seats: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips)
No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips)
No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee (1500 chips)
KorneyD: small blind 15
SIRDJMILHAUS: 30 big blind
*** *** cards
issued licenses to wid2cx9awnaw [Tc of 9c]
wid2cx9awnaw: folds
lezakos: call 30
the MC-Beast: call 30
Aleks7013: fold
Mayman2012dn: fold
GSE-Wilson: fold
Rayan Lee: call 30
dextrela: raise 165-195
KorneyD: fold
lezakos: 1305-1500 raised all in for
MC-Beast: fold
Rayan Lee: folds
dextrela: call all in 1305
*** flop *** [4H Td Qs]
** * turn *** [4H Td Qs] [of As]
*** river *** [Td 4H of As Qs] [6D]
*** showdown ***
lezakos: bluff [Ad 5d] (a on the a)
dextrela: bluff [Ac Ks] (one pair of a - K kick sub)
dextrela from the pot to win 3105
lezakos win this Championship 10
*** *** Overview
pot total amount 3105 | pumped into 0
tables issued [Td 4h Qs as 6d]
No. 1 seat: dextrela (button) bluff: [Ac Ks], winner (3105) to win their deck as a pair of a
No. 2 seat: KorneyD (small blind) folded prior to the flop
No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (big blind) folded prior to the flop
No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw fold earlier than flop (not bet)
No. 5 Capacity: lezakos bright the cards: [Ad 5d], the group lost its winning hand is a pair of a
No. 6 seat: MC-Beast cover cards flop earlier than
No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 fold earlier than flop (not bet)
Article 8 seat: Mayman2012dn fold earlier than flop (not bet)
No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson fold earlier than flop (not bet)
No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee fold earlier than flop PokerStars poker Star Board # 152696813952: Championship # 1554042987, 3.30 $ + 0.20 $ USD Hold'em No Limit - level I (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:53:07 CCT [ 2016/05/01 6:53 : 07 ET] "15540429871" 10-max table No. 2 seat is now making the No. 1 seat: dextrela (3105 chips) No. 2 seat: KorneyD (1485 chips) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1470 chips) No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1500 chips) No. 6 seat: MC-Beast (1470 chips) No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 (1500 chips) No. 8 seat: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips) No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips) No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee (1470 chips) SIRDJMILHAUS: small blind 15 wid2cx9awnaw: 30 big blind *** cards *** licensing of wid2cx9awnaw [4H 7S] the MC-Beast: filling 30 Zhi 60 Aleks7013: call 60 Mayman2012dn: fold GSE-Wilson: fold Rayan Lee: fold dextrela: raise 225 Zhi 285 KorneyD: fold SIRDJMILHAUS: fold wid2cx9awnaw: fold MC-Beast: fold Aleks7013: fill 1215-1500 shove dextrela: folds unmanned call (1215), the chips returned to Aleks7013 Aleks7013 from the pot to win 675 Aleks7013: unlisted cards *** *** Overview pot total amount 675 | evacuated to 0 seat No. 1: dextrela fold flop earlier than No. 2 seat: KorneyD (button) mucked earlier than flop (not bet) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (small blind) folded prior to the flop first 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (big blind) folded prior to the flop No. 6 seat: MC-Beast cover cards prior to flop No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 wins (675) No. 8 seat: Mayman2012dn fold earlier than flop (did not bet) No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson fold earlier than flop (not bet) No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee fold earlier than flop (not bet) PokerStars PokerStars Board # 152 696 832 695: Championship # 1554042987, 3.30 $ + 0.20 $ USD Hold'em No Limit - level I (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:53:50 CCT [2016/05/01 6:53:50 ET ] "15540429871" 10-max table No. 3 seat is now making the No. 1 seat: dextrela (2820 chips) No. 2 seat: KorneyD (1485 chips) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1455 chips) No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1470 chips) No. 6 seat: MC-Beast (1410 chips) No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 (1890 chips) No. 8 seat: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips) No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips ) No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee (1470 chips) wid2cx9awnaw: small blind 15 the MC-Beast: the big blind 30 *** *** hole cards to license wid2cx9awnaw [Jh 6c] Aleks7013: filling 30-60 Mayman2012dn: fold GSE-Wilson: fold Rayan Lee: fold dextrela: fold KorneyD: fold SIRDJMILHAUS: fold wid2cx9awnaw: fold MC-Beast: call 30 *** flop *** [3d 9c 3h ] the MC-Beast: checked Aleks7013: checked *** turn *** [3H 3D 9c] [Tc of] the MC-Beast: checked Aleks7013: bet 90 the MC-Beast: folds unmanned call (90) chips returned to Aleks7013 Aleks7013 from the pot to win 135 Aleks7013: unlisted cards *** *** Overview pot total amount 135 | evacuated to 0 tables issued [3d 9c 3h Tc] No. 1 seat: dextrela cover cards prior to flop (not bet) No. 2 seat: KorneyD fold earlier than flop (not bet) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (button) mucked earlier than flop (not bet) No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (small blind) folded prior to the flop No. 6 seat: MC-Beast (big blind) folded on top of the turn No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 wins (135) No. 8 seat: Mayman2012dn cover cards prior to flop (not bet) No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson fold earlier than flop (not bet) No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee fold earlier than flop (not bet) PokerStars poker Star Board # 152696850268: Championship # 1554042987, 3.30 $ + 0.20 $ USD Hold'em No Limit - level I (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:54:29 CCT [ 2016/05/01 6:54 : 29 ET] "15540429871" 10-max table No. 4 seat now is making the No. 1 seat: dextrela (2820 chips) No. 2 seat: KorneyD (1485 chips) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1455 chips) No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1455 chips) No. 6 seat: MC-Beast (1350 chips) No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 (1965 chips) No. 8 seat: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips) No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips) No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee (1470 chips) the MC-Beast: small blind 15 Aleks7013: 30 big blind *** cards *** licensing of wid2cx9awnaw [Th 4D] Mayman2012dn: fold GSE-Wilson: filling 30 Zhi 60 Rayan Lee,: call 60 dextrela: call 60 KorneyD: folds SIRDJMILHAUS: call 60 wid2cx9awnaw: fold MC-Beast: folds Aleks7013: call 30 *** * flop ** [7d. 3C 5D] Aleks7013: checked GSE-Wilson: checked Rayan Lee: checked dextrela: bet 315 SIRDJMILHAUS: fold Aleks7013: fold GSE-Wilson: fold Rayan Lee: folds unmanned call ( 315), chips returned to dextrela dextrela from the pot to win 315 *** *** Overview pot total amount 315 | evacuated to 0 tables issued [7d 3c 5d] No. 1 seat: dextrela wins (315) Article seat 2: KorneyD fold earlier than flop (not bet) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS fold above flop No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (button) mucked earlier than flop (not bet) 6 seat: MC-Beast (small blind) folded prior to the flop No. 7 seat: Aleks7013 (big blind) folded on top flop No. 8 seat: Mayman2012dn fold earlier than flop (not bet ) No. 9 seats: GSE-Wilson flop fold above No. 10 seat: Rayan Lee flop fold above the PokerStars hand # 152696867342: Championship # 1554042987, 3.30 $ + 0.20 $ USD Hold'em Unlimited NOTE - level I (15/30) - 2016/05/01 18:55:09 CCT [2016/05/01 6:55:09 ET] "15540429871" 10-max table No. 6 seat now Makers No. 1 seat: dextrela (3075 chips) No. 2 seat: KorneyD (1485 chips) No. 3 seat: SIRDJMILHAUS (1395 chips) No. 4 seat: wid2cx9awnaw (1455 chips) No. 6 seat: MC-Beast ( 1335 chips)

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
#152696789703: PokerStars poker Astro Bureau Championship #1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$USD poker infinite note - the grade I (15 / 30) - 2016/05/01 introduction CCT [2016/05/01 6:52:12 ET]"15540429871" seat table No. first is now making 10-maxSeat first: dextrela (1500 chips)Seat second: KorneyD (1500 chips)Seat third: SIRDJMILHAUS (1500 chips)Seat fourth: wid2cx9awnaw (1500 chips)Seat fifth: lezakos (1500 chips)Seat sixth: MC-Beast (1500 chips)Seat seventh: Aleks7013 (1500 chips)Seat eighth: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips)Seat ninth: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips)Seat tenth: Rayan Lee (1500 chips)KorneyD: small blind 15SIRDJMILHAUS: big blind note 30* * * * * * cardsFor the licensing of wid2cx9awnaw [Tc 9c]Wid2cx9awnaw: cover plateLezakos: and note 30MC-Beast: and note 30Aleks7013: cover plateMayman2012dn: cover plateGSE-Wilson: cover plateRayan and Lee: note 30Dextrela: with 165 to 195KorneyD: cover plateSIRDJMILHAUS: cover plateWith 1305 to 1500 total lezakos:MC-Beast: cover plateRayan Lee: cover plateDextrela: with all 1305* * * * * * [Td 4h Qs] flop* * * * * * [Td 4h Qs] [As] turn* * * * * * [Td 4h Qs As] River [6d]Light card * * * * * *Lezakos: [Ad 5d] (a bluff on A)Dextrela: [Ac Ks] (a bluff on the A - K kick son)Dextrela from the bottom pool win 3105Lezakos won the championship tenth* * * * * *.At the bottom of the pool a total amount of 3105 | pumped into 0[Td 4h Qs As 6d] under the tableSeat first: dextrela (button) bluff: [Ac Ks], won the winning card (3105) for a group of ASeat second: KorneyD (small blind) cover card earlier than the flopSeat third: SIRDJMILHAUS (big blind) cover card earlier than the flopSeat fourth: wid2cx9awnaw cover plate as early as the flop (not bet)Seat fifth: lezakos: [Ad 5d] bluff, the defeat of the winning hand is a group of ASeat sixth: MC-Beast cover plate before the flopSeat seventh: Aleks7013 cover plate as early as the flop (not bet)Seat eighth: Mayman2012dn cover plate as early as the flop (not bet)Seat ninth: GSE-Wilson cover plate as early as the flop (not bet)Seat tenth: Rayan Lee cover plate before the flop#152696813952: PokerStars poker Astro Bureau Championship #1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$USD poker infinite note - the grade I (15 / 30) - 2016/05/01 18:53:07 CCT [2016/05/01 introduction ET]"15540429871" seat table No. second is now making 10-maxSeat first: dextrela (3105 chips)Seat second: KorneyD (1485 chips)Seat third: SIRDJMILHAUS (1470 chips)Seat fourth: wid2cx9awnaw (1500 chips)Seat sixth: MC-Beast (1470 chips)Seat seventh: Aleks7013 (1500 chips)Seat eighth: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips)Seat ninth: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips)Seat tenth: Rayan Lee (1470 chips)SIRDJMILHAUS: small blind 15Wid2cx9awnaw: big blind note 30* * * * * * cardsFor the licensing of wid2cx9awnaw [4h 7s]MC-Beast: with 30 to 60Aleks7013: and note 60Mayman2012dn: cover plateGSE-Wilson: cover plateRayan Lee: cover plateDextrela: with 225 to 285KorneyD: cover plateSIRDJMILHAUS: cover plateWid2cx9awnaw: cover plateMC-Beast: cover plateWith 1215 to 1500 total Aleks7013:Dextrela: cover plateNo one to call (1215), returned to the Aleks7013 chipAleks7013 from the bottom pool win 675Aleks7013: does not disclose the cards* * * * * *.At the bottom of the pool a total amount of 675 | pumped into 0Seat first: dextrela cover plate before the flopSeat second: KorneyD (button) cover card earlier than the flop (not bet)Seat third: SIRDJMILHAUS (small blind) cover card earlier than the flopSeat fourth: wid2cx9awnaw (big blind) cover card earlier than the flopSeat sixth: MC-Beast cover plate before the flopNumber seventh: Aleks7013 wins (675)Seat eighth: Mayman2012dn cover plate as early as the flop (not bet)Seat ninth: GSE-Wilson cover plate as early as the flop (not bet)Seat tenth: Rayan Lee cover plate (not earlier than the flop bet)#152696832695: PokerStars poker Astro Bureau Championship #1554042987, 3.30$+0.20$USD poker infinite note - the grade I (15 / 30) - 2016/05/01 introduction CCT [2016/05/01 introduction ET]"15540429871" seat table No. third is now making 10-maxNumber first: dextrela (2820 chips)Number second: KorneyD (1485 chips)Number third: SIRDJMILHAUS (1455 chips)Number fourth: wid2cx9awnaw (1470 chips)Number sixth: MC-Beast (1410 chips)Number seventh: Aleks7013 (1890 chips)Number eighth: Mayman2012dn (1500 chips)Number ninth: GSE-Wilson (1500 chips)Number tenth: Lee Rayan (1470 chips)Wid2cx9awnaw: under the small blind note 15MC-Beast: under the big blind note 30* * * * * * cardsLicensing to [Jh 6c] wid2cx9awnawAleks7013: add 30 to 60Mayman2012dn: cover plateGSE-Wilson: cover plateLee: Rayan cover plateDextrela: cover plateKorneyD: cover plateSIRDJMILHAUS: cover plateWid2cx9awnaw: cover plateMC-Beast: with note 30* * * * * * [3d 9C 3h] flopMC-Beast: cardAleks7013: card* * * * * 9C [3d * * * * * [Tc] 3h]MC-Beast: cardAleks7013: bet 90MC-Beast: cover plateNo one with the note (90), the chips returned to the Aleks7013Aleks7013 win 135 from the bottom poolAleks7013: does not disclose the cards
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