Once upon a time, there was a Taoist in Henan. After a man's meal, he heard huang Qi, and told the owner to pay attention to fire.<br><br>The master asked what the reason was, and the Taoist replied, "Just now the bird in the tree cried out, "The fire is hard to come by, terrible!" 』。 」<br><br>The family listened to the jokes and said they didn't take any fire measures at all.<br><br>The next day, the family did fire, the fire spread to burn several families, people surprised the Preacher is indeed god. The good people chased the Taoist and called him a fairy.<br><br>The Taoist said, "I just know the bird language, what is the fairy!" 」<br><br>Then there happened to be a black flower and barking in the tree, and the crowd asked him what the bird was saying.<br><br>He said, The said, The first six born, the first six, the 14th, sixteenth and sixteenth death. There are probably twins, today is the first ten, no more than five or six days, two are going to die. 」<br><br>As soon as people asked, one family gave birth to twins. It wasn't long before both children died, just in time for the Taos. ...