Permeable pavement (Permeable pavements) and permeable pavement has a penetration of rain water to function underground, will not lead to hypoxia soil water and other phenomena, but also can be reduced to produce the low runoff. Rainwater runoff for adjacent areas of infiltration, filtered and reserving <br>the reaction and infiltration Eco retention mechanism comprising physical adsorption unit (Bio-retention Cell), as well as retention of the biological tank. Receive small area runoff, and through the permeate, reserving, and filtered to delay runoff <br>planticola groove (Grass swales and channels) use of trees and grasses and other plant born to control runoff rate of rainwater or the adsorption filter to improve water quality, plant raw groove although the need follow regular maintenance costs. And there are wide and shallow trench to a plant or turf, the transmission capacity in addition to a conventional drain the water and having a function infiltration <br>planticola roof covering (Vegetated roof covers) a thin layer of soil vegetation Design, reserving direct rain <br>tree box filter arrangement the use of curbs and tree entry box above the grille to collect runoff <br>rain barrels to collect the main storage and storing recycled rainwater runoff from the roof of stay or the amount of water available for irrigation garden flushing <br>the permeate side of the existing road drainage ditch increase the infiltration function