其他說明 :SMC NFC讀頭模組可以更新標籤內存資料更新資料目的 : 更換新連續劇頻道更換新電玩遊戲設定新網址特定頻道的鎖碼 - - - 的英文翻譯

其他說明 :SMC NFC讀頭模組可以更新標籤內存資料更新資料目的 :

其他說明 :

SMC NFC讀頭模組可以更新標籤內存資料
更新資料目的 :
- - - - 等等都可以

SMC NFC讀頭模組必須搭配有藍芽功能的電視遙控器



原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Other notes:SMC NFC reader module to update the volume label memory dataUpdated data destination: New soap opera channelNew video gamesSetting new Web siteSpecific channel lock code ----, And so on can beSMC NFC reader modules must have matching Bluetooth TV remote control In the "storm TV"This application is free of charge servicesSubscription services programme involves encryption of the volume label issues resolved by the industry itself in the background
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Other notes:

SMC NFC reader module can update the tag memory data
updates Objective:
Replace the new drama channel
replacement Games
set new URL
particular channel lock code
- - - -, etc. can be

SMC NFC reader module must match TV remote has a Bluetooth function
to the "TV Storm" using the

application described in this article is not to charge service

fee-based service program involving price tag encryption problems resolve themselves by the industry background

結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Other instructions:NFC SMC reader module can update the tag memory dataUpdate data purpose:Replace the new TV series channelReplace the new video gameSet a new web siteLock code for specific channel-- and so on.NFC SMC reading head module must be equipped with Bluetooth TV remote controlCan be used in the "storm TV"This paper introduces the application of non fee serviceFee based service program involving the price tag encryption problem by the industry to solve their own background
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