1. The first describes the types of animals, from animals to children in the introduction, choose their favorite animal, and began to say to myself as: Teacher Eva like ... Eva teacher like ..., helping younger, he said: children names like ... like ... then the child's name, and so on <br>2. the first describes the types of toys in the toy from the child's description, choose their favorite toys, and began to say to myself as: teacher Eva like ... Eva teacher like ..., helping younger, he said: child's name like ... like ... then the child's name, and so on <br>3. the first describes the types of plants, from the children's introduction to plant, choose your favorite plant, and to himself as began to say: teacher Eva like ... Eva teacher like ..., helping younger, said: child's name like ... like ... then the child's name, and so on <br>4. introduce types of food, in order to introduce children from food, choose their favorite food, and began to say to myself as: teacher Eva like ... Eva teacher like ..., helping younger, said: child's name like Then ... like child's name, and so on <br>5. introduce insect species, from insects in the child's description, choose your favorite insect, and began to say to myself as: Teacher Eva like ... Eva teacher like ... in help younger said: child's name like ... like ... then the child's name, and so on