The system<br>low easy recovery from errors<br>Like of the allowing merging of the duplicate<br>entry of same applicant<br>information; the system shall have<br>data update mechanism until<br>Do some cyclicicy checks or md5 check of of<br>The data, and then back up the data file file. Then<br>the restore the backed up data file and do md5 checksum<br>on restored data file and check ifher the data on<br>restored file is correct or not.<br>The backup shall file be checked (weather it is<br>Corrupted file or not) every time.<br>There there not any any duplicate entries of same<br>item in an applicant's info or while create new<br>application.<br>The sylin had had had a capability to admin <br>Employee Recruitment Management System Page 82<br>recruitment process processs. ...