亲爱的 kissing,我们收到了请求创建BTC-E码 20.94589030 USD
#2327302049 -20.9458903 USD BTC-E CODE: BTCE-USD-PBJQ6WHD-BXQGTBPQ-PMK3GQZ3-XQAR7RYW-8YN8IBRH 13.06.16 01:24:03
New payment order №25361443 Date: 13.06.2016 01:27:39 (UTC+3)
Recipient: Payeer® / payeer.com
Comments: Add Funds to P37702701 [2823414]
Order ID: 25361443
Payeer ID: 25361449
Payment system: BTC-E
Amount: 20.95 USD
Balance after I filled in the BTC-E code because the code only 20.9458903 neglect a lack PAYEER converted to 20.95 shows balance and then back to the BTC would like to change back to code money shows BTC-E Code redeemed before funds are running into this PAEER or what?
我是去rayeer add存款 btc-e code 因為款項不足 所以回去btc-e兌換也無法兌換 這code已變成無效 款項跑那去?