.<br>.<br>Y O U A R E R E L E V A N T and needed for such a time as this! God put you here, in this time, on purpose. The enemy has worked strategically to make you feel small and insignificant, but that’s only because even he can see the greatness inside of you! God has designed you for such a time as this! You are more magnificent and stylized for destiny than you know! Some of y’all literally don’t have a clue of your promise and potential — but God is awakening you to your reality, in Jesus’ name!<br>.<br>.<br>For your warfare has not wearied you, it has weaponized you! Those battles taught you how to pray, taught you how to press, you learned the power of praise, and now you’re ready to GO!<br>.<br>.<br>Release it! Let it rip! Says the Lord of hosts! For your voice is relevant and carries needed power as you speak forth the edicts of the Lord!<br>.<br>.<br>On yesterday we began learning HOW, specifically, to rule and reign with the authority Jesus gave us. Many reading this now, will begin to legislate and shift things, in your life, your home, even your territory. The Word of the Lord brings order and blessing. Hallelujah to Jesus!<br>.<br>.<br>As David stepped to the battlefield, he remarked, IS THERE NOT A CAUSE? The Bible says all hell had broken loose until DEBORAH AROSE, A MOTHER IN ISRAEL. *Swipe left for a right now prophetic word then hit the link in my story — I want to help you activate into GREATER AUTHORITY!<br>.<br>.<br> 1 Samuel 1:28-29 | Judges 5:7 <br> Luke 10:19<br>. <br>.<br>✴️ .<br>.<br>.<br>✴️ .. - , 100% , . .✴️ : 77948 ✴️: $