Study Methods S. S. Development: Let's Talk About Asthma! Let's Talk About Asthma! Is a theorisyly ded, guideline-ly s an icing, written at sixth grade (11-12 year) level. It provides in-depth asthma education and self-management training using using, make-style presentation presentation. The thes is the swas sitted over a three-step process. First, we ed ded a concept analysis and developed an in-nature definition of the ar-ess self-management to identify core content. The resulting four-fields of self-management-prevention, monitoring, acute symptom management, and communication-dyed as the conceptual for the sat, and topic s. Next, we conducted a qualitative study to explore the sicries' perceptions of self-asthma management and rationales underlying s. A total of 42 in-depth interviews have been conducted with the sylweds and parents. Knowledge gained from these interviews was used to identify common ness of thinking and develop ing en-ford strategies. Lastly, after developing preliminary ing manuals, we iteynly revised materials on the qualitative feedback from four-pe-pe-s-reviewers.<br>The final sage four interactive learning modules (30 to 45 minutes), each: (1) pathology and prevention of asthma; (2) Monitoring of asthma symptoms; (3) Management of asthma symptoms; and (4) communication and psycho socials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details of training strategies are published in Let's Talk! Instructor's Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . Briefly, each session edd interactive case studies that-the-mail-syst-profile-ess-and-application-of-learned content to specify asthma situations. Training techniques focused on the problem-ling-learning and teach-backy-way (in who and then-the-student learns and then teachs key content to the instructor and peers), to comprehension and the company of the information (38,39. Self-management skills (e.g. inhaler techniques, use of peak flow meters and spacers, decision making inthe infhesie sifse asthma attacks, assessments of asthma control, management of acute symptoms) was first modeled by the trainer then the then siad by peer leaders until fluency was disd ...