milIn 1969, Ochsenbein and Ross86 reported two main types<br>gingival morphology: flat and scalloped. The flat gingival<br>Morphology was closely related to a square tooth form with<br>A minimal distance by the buccal gingival margin and<br>Interdental gingival levels. The scalloped gingival morphology<br>amis with a tapered tooth form and considerable<br>height-about 5 to 6 mm-at-buccal gingival margin<br>And interdental gingival levels. They also also indicated that<br>The gingival contours and follow the contours of the the<br>underlying bone. Later, the term term on-the-tal biotype was<br>proposed by seibert and Lindhe, 87 yn dinghyn the gingiva<br>two indistinct types of of gingival morphology: thin (less<br>Than 1 mm) and scalloped, or thick (more than than 1 mm) and<br>flat. This term has has been frequently used clinically to describe<br>The faciolingual thickness of the facial gingiva around teeth<br>(sidydy with gingival thickness), relating it to papilla<br>height. The thin and scalloped gingival type is am<br>with a tooth with tape tape red crown form,