Having this problem is due to the people losing confidence in the end the government will control the budget deficit. At least two reasons for this suspicion are the first of any war that must be concluded, while the deficit in the time of peace is not, secondly, the postwar time is easy to cut down the deficit, and cut down the deficit of time that is much harder by the coin to spend, there is always a group of lobbying behind it. Until now, President Obama and the U.S. Congress seem to be not ready for actions on other stimulus packages, in part because if it continues to expand the federal budget deficit, it will be synonymous with a high tax issue in the future and may be an increase in the capacity of the deposit once the government bond investors are no longer Believe. But at this moment, just concerned about the issue of the budget deficit, state and local governments must cut spending and dismissal the harsh people, thus affecting the economic development of the U.S.