The transmission of change momentum from the organization’sEO into individuals’ i-deals also contains ethicsas an underpinning. Embedded in stakeholder-orientedproactiveness and innovativeness dimensions of EO isethics of care (Lantos 2002; Harris et al. 2009) which istransmitted into i-deals through the impact of EO oni-deals. Ethics of care underlying i-deals, which focuses onthe demands of relationships, not from a contractual orlegalistic standpoint, but from a standpoint of absoluteregard’’ and ‘‘love’’ (Starratt 2003, p. 145), indicates thecorrespondence between i-deals and conventional and postconventionalphases of Kohlberg’s (1976) moral growthmodel. Additionally, since ethics is an underlying premise for the effect of EO on i-deals (Harris et al. 2009), thiseffect may be produced through ethical cognition as apsychological mechanism (Resick et al. 2013). Ethics ofcare in EO activates employees’ ethical cognition for i-dealactions. This link between i-deals and the model of ethicalcognition as a psychological mechanism is in line with theview of psychological contract as the premise of i-deals(Rosen et al. 2013). Furthermore, employers’ granting ofi-deals to their employees under the influence of EO alsolinks the current research to ‘‘Human Quality Treatment’’(HQT) model in business ethics literature. The granting ofi-deals demonstrates high levels of HQT: justice (respectfor persons and their rights), care (concern for people’slegitimate interests and support for them in resolving theirproblems), and development (favoring human flourishing,mutual esteem, and friendship-based reciprocity) (Mele´2014). Especially, i-deals’s nature to produce reciprocalbenefits (Rosen et al. 2013) mirrors the highest level—development—in HQT model.