the rpm versus torque specifications of off-the-shelf motors<br>were compared with the desired variations to select the best<br>スイート・モース For this purpose a special graphical interface<br>was developed to display the convex envelopes of the speed<br>versus torque requirements drawn from the simulated experiments と the speed versus torque specifications of existing<br>モーリス It is possible to vary the power voltage, the reduction<br>ration、 the number of reduction stages 、 to see the influence<br>of these changes on the different parameters such as yield and<br>対のスピード対タークカーヴェ。 Figure 9 shows the speed vs<br>torque specifications of two motors は、 one from Maxon and the<br>other from Mabuchi. The convex envelopes are relative to the<br>knee, hip, ankle pitch joint data drawn from the family of<br>experiments simulated は sagittal plane. This study is very<br>helpful to select the best shat can be used for several<br>ジョインツ<br>After dimensioning it is interesting to check the load to<br>彼は、彼が彼の手を取り、彼の手を取り、彼の手を取り、 ...