Daily sleep time, not only the necessary rest to recuperate means, but also the brain to re-organize your thoughts when waking essential stage. In order to do more things at the expense of sleep, but since the last energy and focus is not enough, but anything done, this is not the purpose of time management. Instead, time management is a trade-off, to help themselves "truly complete valuable things," an important task for tomorrow that piece more valuable, I want to sleep well tonight, so tomorrow can go all out, with the best to achieve the best results. For office workers, perhaps tired from the morning too focused work, lack of stimulation from the office scene, this time to "walk the streets" of rest, not only can get rid of fatigue, but also make up the brain active again. Especially when faced with a problem trying to come to understand why, perhaps take a break, go for a walk during lunch, maybe head to come up with answers to problems. Nice to yourself, take care of yourself, it has come more than anything else. In his spare time but also organize their rest time, give yourself a timely manner to encourage, to become the driving force to move forward.