The Mercury is a a-large US hotel chain. It is 4-star rated and mainly serves the commercial market, catering for business clients, leing the hosting of confer Ences and seminars. It has almost 300 guestrooms, is located in the centre of the a large UK city and directly lys more than 200 members of the members of the st Aff. Two-thirds of employees are are employed full-timeon 34-hour contracts with working spatterns from the week. Any hours workovered this is paid as overime. The remaining sare of employees are part-time (up to 25 hours per week). This structure sitto a-share the need for the flexibility inably predict busier weather ingout year and as as cover for short-term x-term in demand. Management also make make use of the return staff, mainly students who live in the area time term time or holiday perio ds to provide a will element of the labor flexibility. Such employees are seen as a ready supply of the only but have no claim to minimum hours, who can be shed with with li Mited notice and who are most willing to work unsociable hours. Further, worksin in labor supply are met either by-contracted or non-contracted casuals or by-inspermanent staf f hours at short notice.