People usually think of sharing vulnerability as overexposure of weaknesses, but in reality, it's not like that. It's conveying a clear signal that you have weaknesses and need help. I think sharing vulnerability can also become an example for others, removing unease, and starting to work, trust each other, and help each other. I think this is also the hardest part to learn, including myself, because we may all think of Share Vulnerability, Is it telling others where we are not good enough, but on the other hand, it is precisely because we have Share Vulnerability that we can continuously learn.<br>As mentioned in the reading material 'Managing Yourself Learning to Learn' mental tools to help you master new skills by Erika Andersen, we're now taking a load to exercise experience and 'fast failure' at work But we're also taught to play to our strengths Great learners allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to accept that beginning state<br>Bandura found in the late 1980s that when people are encouraged<br>To expect misses and learn from them early in the process of acquiring new skills, the result is "heightened interest, persistence, and better performance