I was first exposed to the cell biology in junior when this course the main content is divided into cells, gene regulation and molecular, cellular messaging, cell loss of function generating portion and four other diseases. I am particularly impressed that, despite the technical advances with the times there, but the section on biotechnology there is still much we do not know the knowledge is. At the same time, because enter the laboratory is one of our compulsory credits, and thus I entered the cell laboratory. At first I only read the paper and is responsible for reporting it, after all, is not so sure they want to enter this industry, but then after listening to more and more as the number of laboratory experiments percent of seniors report, found himself on doing experiments with interest, why cancer occurs? What the middle of the mechanism? How can I design my experiment? Questions like these have fascinated me, so after a discussion with the teacher, I started my experiment life. Regardless of the first support cells, the first time for western, the first time for wound healing makes me excited, even if doing experiments done late, I still enjoy it. Senior year, I started my college paper, for the first time have their own project makes me feel very excited and very proud, I was assigned for the experiment is part of liver cancer, scientists have found that the problems identified are currently for liver cancer Sorafenib marketed drug resistant, so my research is the mechanism towards which to find the breakthrough point, to look after the paper found that it may be because the Sorafenib treatment, the intracellular phosphorylation of FAK molecule expression will be significantly increased, while the FAK molecules phosphorylation with each other will Src, thereby promoting the message is transmitted downstream molecules and promotes cell proliferation and creeping, thereby generating a resistance. And my thesis is that through a combination of telling whether it can inhibit cell proliferation of Sorafenib HCC cell lines HepG2 and Src inhibitor -Dasatinib point of view, and then solve the problem of drug resistance Sorafenib, and found drugs at significantly inhibited cell viability was possible but can not inhibit their proliferation, but in the end is what causes we do not know, I can only say that the mechanism of action remains to study them. Here special thanks to the teachers and seniors laboratory sister who patiently let me ask questions, discuss and give me guidance.