Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan is located in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, covering an area of 215 square kilometers. It has a warm Pacific climate and a population of approximately 70000 people. Its main industries include service industry, real estate industry, and agriculture, which are rich in pears, persimmons, chestnuts, upland rice, lotus roots, and broad beans. This city has a subtropical climate, with an area of 18 square kilometers and a population of over 14000 people in Shigang District. It is rich in Ponkan, Gaojie Pear, and Maogu Citrus. The adjacent new community covers an area of 68 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 23000 people. The loquats, grapes, shiitake mushrooms, and heart-shaped orchids (cut flowers) produced by Xinshe are quite famous.