The compressive behaviour of the cemented soil is evaluated with UCT. Figure 2 shows the stress-strain curves for the both the treated and untreated soils.<br>The stress-strain curves for the cement treated samples are generally found to surge up to the peak values and then decline rapidly to small values upon further straining.<br>Cement treated soils appear to be more brittle compared to the untreated soil and the ductility decreases with the increase of cement content and curing period. Cemented soils behave more like a quasi-brittle material at shorter curing period as the softening part in the stress-strain curves is gentler and less abrupt compared to the longer curing period. Untreated soil tends to fail in shear while the fracture behaviour in cement treated soils are more complex with the either shear, splitting, crushing or the combination of these as shown in Figure。 3. With higher。<br>cement content, i.e. Aw = 40%, cured in 28 days, compressive crushing failure is more dominant. Similar failure modes were also reported by Saw [8] for Singapore marine clay treated with cement.