在病房期間,於持續性傷口照護,疼痛控制及抗生素使用.抱怨耳鳴,聽不到,會診ENT,建議一個月後 OPD follow up.Operation wounds dressing with alcohol with 水性敷料 and gauze cover BID. Post operatively recovery was rather well. Remove NG on 12/17. Remove Foley's on 12/18. OP wounds were clear, no sign of infection. Due to general condition improved, she was discharged and changed to OPD follow up.
During the ward, sustained wounds to care, pain control and antibiotic use. Complain about tinnitus, after hear, consultation ENT, the Follow up recommendations month OPD. <br>Operation Wounds dressing with alcohol with water-based dressings and gauze cover BID. Post operatively recovery was rather well. Remove NG on 12/17 . Remove Foley's on 12/18. OP wounds were clear, no sign of infection. Due to general condition improved, she was discharged and changed to OPD follow up.