Experience<br>When the teacher told us that he wanted us to help Kaohsiung in the ground company, I was scared because I felt that it was very difficult to get the lesson done, and because I wasn't Kaohsiung, So I had completely no idea where to start with this lesson. Fortunately, the teacher step by step guidance, so that I can know which direction can start first.<br><br>When I look for the company, I'm the most responsible for two of the team members, and I'm not involved, but when I call and interview, I'm actively involved, so I learn a lot. However, in fact, when doing these things, I felt very afraid, even the whole body fighting shaking, because I was afraid of any mistakes. But fortunately, with the help and assistance of the team, it was successfully completed. Then came a meeting with the company, and frankly, the day before I was too worried to sleep, but then I found out I was thinking too much. Because the contacts of both companies treat ediasus us well and people are good, so I was able to get this homework done.<br><br>After a meeting with the company, start reporting and giving the teacher a file section. I volunteered to consolidate all the files because I thought it was a chance to learn more. But this consolidation is the most difficult one I think, probably because there is no similar experience before is to integrate with the company, so I spent quite a lot of time to consolidate, but also fortunately have a good group member can help me check whether there are problems and add, so I think there are good team members are half of success. Finally, I am grateful to each other company and group members to be able to accommodate my shortcomings, and work with me.<br><br>