11/8 職事文摘-基督是新人的人位 聖經裏面說到召會,說到一個境地,說召會乃是一個新人。在這新人裏,除了人位,就沒有別的。這是高到不能再高的英文翻譯

11/8 職事文摘-基督是新人的人位 聖經裏面說到召會,說到一個境地,

11/8 職事文摘-基督是新人的人位 聖經裏面說到召會,說到一個境地,說召會乃是一個新人。在這新人裏,除了人位,就沒有別的。這是高到不能再高,嚴密到不能再嚴密,親密到不能再親密的地步。召會不光是一個器皿,不光是一個身體,召會乃是一個新人;這一個新人非拒絕自己的人位,接受基督作人位不可。我們眾人若都接受基督作人位,召會必定滿了榮耀。大家是一個新人,在這個新人裏只有一個人位。我們在生活和工作的每一面,都該接受基督作人位,以活出新人的實際。 從《職事文摘第四卷第三期:事奉2》摘錄
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
11/8 ministry Digest - Christ is the new man bit <br><br>the Bible when it comes to the church, when it comes to a situation that church is a newcomer. In this new man, who in addition to position, there is no other. This is no longer high to high, close to no longer tight, close to the point of no longer close. The church is not just a vessel, not just a body, but a new church; that a new non-repudiation bit own people, not to accept Christ Zuoren bit. If we all accept Christ Zuoren place, the church must be full of glory. We are a newcomer in this new, only one bit. We live and work each side, which are accepted Christ as human bits to live out the actual newcomers. <br><br>From "the ministry's Digest Volume IV Phase III: to serve 2" excerpt
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
11/8 Job Digest - Christ is a newcomer <br><br>The Bible says about the congregation, about a situation, that the congregation is a new person. In this new man, there is nothing but a position. It is too high, tight enough to be no longer tight, intimate to the point where it can no longer be intimate. The Call is not just a vessel, it is not just a body, it is a new person, and this new person is not to reject his position, but to accept Christ as a person. If all of us accept Christ as a man, the Congregation must be filled with glory. Everyone is a new person, there is only one person in this new person. In every aspect of our life and work, we should accept Christ as a human being in order to live out the reality of the new man. <br><br>Excerpts from "Job Digest Volume IV, Issue 3: Service 2"
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
11 / 8 ministry Digest - Christ is the new man<br>The Bible says that the church, when it comes to a situation, is a new person. In this new person, there is nothing but the person's position. It is too high, too tight, too close. The church is not only a vessel, not only a body, but also a new person. This new person does not reject his own person, and accepts Christ is not allowed to be a man. If we all accept Christ as a man, the church will be full of glory. We are a new man, and there is only one new man in this new man. We should accept Christ as a man in every aspect of our life and work, so as to live the reality of the new man.<br>Excerpt from Volume 4, issue 3: Ministry 2<br>
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