The first role we're going to introduce is the double the chance of the sucea-crosses (passive) Cebu's Way of the Long Man. In addition, the shield is cast when it moves, and being hit by an enemy or wild monster will trigger the shield. After a brief delay in the Steel Blizzard (Q), The steel blizzard (Q) stabs forward toward the cursor position, using it three times in 6 seconds. First use: Physical damage at 20/45/70/95/120 (-1.0 physical attack) point for all hit enemies. Second use: The effect is the same as when you used it the first time. Third use: Cebu strikes a tornado, hits enemies on the path and causes 20/40/60/80/100 (-1.0 physical attack) point physical damage. This skill, like the general attack, can be hit hard, triggering a hit effect on the first hit target. Using this skill during a Sprint of The Blade Enemy (E) will cause damage to the surrounding enemies. The cooling time and cast delay of this skill are affected by additional attack speed, but not by skill cooling time relief. Cooling: 4 seconds Range: 475 wind wall iron wall (W) Suju until a slow forward wind wall in the direction of the target, lasting 3.75 seconds. The wind wall blocks all launch attacks, including long-range attacks, pointing, and assigning skills, but cannot block attacks on defense towers. Cooling: 26/24/22/20/18 Seconds Range: 400 Life-Saving Breath (R) Suddenly move to the enemy heroes in the air, extending their 1 second delay time, and causing 200/300/400 (-1.5 additional physical attack) point physical damage. When this skill is applied, the night will return directly to the storm surge, and if the storm is hit, it increases physical penetration by 50% for 15 seconds, effective against the enemy's additional material defenses. Applying this skill resets the number of uses of Steel Blizzard (Q). Cooling: 80/55/30 Seconds Range: 1400